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160 Crawford Street, Dunedin, New Zealand 9016
160 Crawford Street
The Salvation Army is an international movement and an evangelical branch of the Christian Church, which expresses its ministry through a balance of spiritual and social programmes. In its founding it was mobilised by God, and in its continuance is totally dependent on God for the power to fulfil its calling. Everything it does is as an offering to the glory of God and for the worship and adoration of God’s name.
The mission of The Salvation Army in New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa is:
- Caring for people: Salvationists follow the example of Jesus by identifying with the needy, standing alongside them and caring for people in all situations.
- Transforming lives: Salvationists believe that God can transform people and that the resulting wholeness is experienced through belief in Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. This transformation is evidenced in discipleship and commitment.
- Reforming society: Salvationists seek to express the love and power of God in the community. This calls for the challenging of manifestations of evil, injustice and oppression, and for steps aimed at their elimination.